Friday, September 19, 2008

So we would rather read....

Week 6: There were several workshops on Book Clubs - I went to one led by a librarian, Hsieh Shu-His from Taiwan. She organised her whole school to run class book clubs and a staff book club. That got me thinking about running a class book club next year with my English class. Actually Hsieh's achievement was huge as her high school was one that focussed on vocational training only - so the idea of book clubs was very ambitious.

We do have a book club here at TGS. We have four year 9 students who have been wonderful and recently a German exchange student has joined us as well. We linked up with the Book Lady and have read three titles through her service. The students really like to all read the same book at the same time. The Book Lady provides copies of the book and some great discussion questions. She also e-mails the students with discussion questions. The students found the e-mails a but limiting because they couldn't see what each other were saying to the Book Lady so we set up a wiki space. The Book Lady is a member but I am sure if you asked her she would note as I have that the space has gone very quiet recently.

I have to confess that with being away at conference and being ill the last two weeks I have neglected my wonderful book club. They have become very good at leading their meetings on their own. This is something the book Lady encourages. I asked them add to the discussions on the wiki but last Wednesday after school they preferred to sit in the fiction area and read their books. Looks like for some students the novelty of web 2.0 is already waning and they would rather sit together and read good books.

I will ask them if I can add a photo of them... watch this space.

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