Friday, February 27, 2009

It takes a team to run a library - meet the team

Last Friday we ran our Student Librarian training day. We have 38 wonderful student librarians. The student lead librarians ran their teams through their paces, teaching the new librarians and coming to terms with the changes to our software system. We have a different team every interval and lunchtime throughout the week. The lead librarians run their teams, allocate roles and check the quality of the work completed. We are a busy library and really rely on these wonderful volunteers.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Happy New Year

When is it impolite, redundant, careless or even insulting to wish someone Happy New Year? Is there a social etiquette about this? I think if you haven't seen them since the start of the new year it is still perfectly acceptable but I am open to correction.

Anyway - I know it is almost at the end of February and this is my first post of the new year. What can I say? It has been a BUSY start to the year.

Here is a photo of three of the four of us in the library team in our new library. As you can see there is still some work to do but we are standing where the issues desk will be.

blogs I watch


Christchurch City Libraries Blog