Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Going on a summer holiday

For those who can afford it Novel Holidays looks very appealing. Not only do they do literature trips but they also propose the kind of holidays that people can then go and write a novel about.

Great fun.

As for me - it will be a summer at home, then at my folks bach at Rangitata - reading books of course while my guys fish for salmon.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Working on WEb 2.0 for school libraries

It has been my week for inspiration from colleagues. At a School Library Network meeting I met Jill McGregor from Glenfield College. She has just begun a library wiki for her school library. She wants it kept quiet for a while but it looks great. Then when I get to school on Wednesday i find a colleague in Australia wants to work on web 2.0 for school libraries - some training, skills, examples type things.

It is great to look at each other's work, to assist each other learn new technologies and apply them successfully to our libraries.

So what have we got that can be used in school libraires? Let's begin some lists
Wikis are great for collaborative learning
Delicious for classes bookmarking useful sites for research
Blogs for sharing views and information
Flickr for sharing photos
You tube and teacher tube for video

That's just to start off the top of my head. I wonder about trying twitter to track research progress or for staff to log what they are doing over a week to see if you need to increase library staffing.

By the way there are a few changes I want to make to this blog page but I need to spend longer than two minutes to figure out how to do that and at this time of the year.... so when I do I will add the Hub and artichoke

blogs I watch


Christchurch City Libraries Blog