Friday, November 30, 2007

UCLA have you tube university

Apparently Berkeley is a leader in digital education. They have over 300 hours on you tube about Berkeley and relating to courses at Berkeley. I guess this is the way of the future.

In my own small way I am using Knowledge Net in our school to communicate with my English class. All our revision documents are on our class pages and some students are using them effectively.

I do have library pages too - it is just a matter of getting students to access them - perhaps a competition at the start of the year is the way to go. I was inspired by the idea from Christchurch City Libraries and their photo competition. I willhave to put my thinking cap on for this one....

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

National Library has an RRS feed to PD available

National Library have developed an RSS feed to link to the Professional Development courses they offer. Go to the professional development pages - select a region you bleong to then the RSS link button is down at the bottom of the page on the right.

The professional development I have received through National Library is always of a high quality and useful to me and the library I work in. I attended the 'Evidence based Practices' course this term and have several great ideas to work through for next year. One idea is a way to get more information literacy skills taught in the junior school using an evidence based research project. It will be looking into the impact teaching of skills such as key word searching, notetaking and bibliographic recording will have on a class.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Library 2.0 video

This is worth viewing. I hope I can live up to this manifesto.

So now I do have a blog -

No I have not lost my mind. When I was asked a few months ago why I wasn't blogging myself I responded that I was too busy reading other people's blogs. Behind that response was the thought - and where do they find the time for this themselves?
Now I have been challenged to not only try to blog but to find my own voice and be good at it. Well I have never stood back from a challenge.
I would like to work on a blog that has a professional edge. I know that as a Teacher Librarian I am one of a rare breed. There are relatively few of us here in New Zealand. Often few other understand what we are supposed to do - often I wonder myself. It would be great to network.

Everyone has to begin somewhere

Learning about web 2.0 here at Waikato University. I love the definition we were given -

Web 2.0 = use, find, discover, co-create

I would love our school library to have web pages which go beyond audience beyond user to co creater.

blogs I watch


Christchurch City Libraries Blog