Friday, May 15, 2009

Web2.0 use - is privacy possible on the web?

There is an interesting document about how Barak Obama's election campaign used web2.0 tools to connect with the voters. In it they describe where people are at in terms of their use and ease with web2.0 tools.

I am a learner but according to the article I am post crawling, into the walking phase and starting to run with web2.0.

I looked at twitter and wondered about it. Having been travelling recently I have been inspired to make more use of Facebook. I am holding back though. I have some real doubts about privacy - my own and that of my friends. To be quite honest I don't want the world looking at my holiday photos or reading what my friends write on my "wall".

Web2.0 tools are now being discussed in professional circles - is it OK to be 'friends' with former students or current students for that matter? Surely if you wouldn't invite them to your place for a meal would you consider having them as a friend? I guess the 3 million friends Barak Obama has would make a busy kitchen for Michelle if that was their standard for accepting friends.

Now that the hockey season is underway I can happily come into work early and blog.

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